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Media & Communications

Just as you work tirelessly to ensure clear communications over the airwaves, Alcalde & Fay works tirelessly to ensure that the needs of media and broadcasting communities are clearly communicated in Washington.


We know your job isn't easy, and yet explaining the highly technical, complex issues that permeate your business to Washington policymakers is essential. That's where the Alcalde & Fay Media and Communications Practice Group can prove invaluable. Translating and advocating your issues, needs and concerns to legislators and regulators who control your day-to-day business practices is our specialty.


Some of the media and communications interests of our clients have included:


Media Rating Practices

Specialized Media


Minority Broadcasting


Tax Certificates

Digital Television


Spectrum Allocation

Media Mergers

Ownership Caps

UHF Discount

Alcalde and Fay partners led the fight for broadcasters’ receiving landmark must-carry rights in the 1992 Cable Act, which assured the carriage of local broadcast signals on local cable systems throughout the nation. Among many other initiatives in promotion of sound public policy in media and communications, Alcalde & Fay partners successfully led the Telemundo and NBC merger, as well as the Hispanic Broadcasting Corporation and Univision merger that promoted strong media outlets focused on minority constituencies in America. With an impressive history of successes in the telecommunications field and productive, longstanding relationships with key Congressional leaders and staff members of the Senate Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee, the House Energy & Commerce Committee, the House and Senate Judiciary Committees, the Federal Communications Commission and numerous other Washington entities, Alcalde & Fay's Media and Communications Practice Group is hard at work making sure there is no disconnect among the industry, the public, Congress and regulators.


The telecommunications and broadcast industries are at a critical point in history. Now is the time you need the very best representatives protecting and promoting your issues and concerns on Capitol Hill and at the regulatory agencies. But, in order to have a voice in the air, you must have an ear to the ground. Contact us today and find out how the Alcalde & Fay Media and Communications Practice Group can help ensure that you're being heard loud and clear.

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