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Whether your objective is to gain the attention of Washington's international policymakers, identify federal funding sources, attract U.S. investment in your country or increase trade and investment opportunities in America, it's going to take a firm with a vast amount of experience, in-depth knowledge and long-standing relationships -- nationwide -- to be successful. Welcome to Alcalde & Fay.


For over a quarter century, our International Practice Group has represented the objectives, needs and concerns of government and private sector clients from around the world. From economic briefings and trade delegation visits, to identifying federal contracting procurement possibilities and developing government aid programs, Alcalde & Fay’s International Practice Group has delivered superior results for our foreign clients.


Some of the areas on which we focus are:


Country Representation and Public Diplomacy

Investment and Business Development

Infrastructure Assistance

International Maritime Laws and Regulations

Environmental Practices

Advocacy Communications

Economic, Trade and Security Counsel


Services provided to our foreign clients have included the elimination of conditions and restrictions in U.S. authorization and appropriation bills, modifying offensive resolutions in international agreements, assisting in high-level visits and helping ensure U.S. government support on key issues. Our contacts with principals and staff in the appropriate foreign relations committees of both Houses of Congress, as well as with the State Department and the foreign affairs elements of the Departments of Defense and Commerce are well-established and current.


Alcalde & Fay's International Practice Group includes former senior staff members of large government contractors, and partners and associates with a wide range of contacts in foreign missions in Washington, state and federal governments, as well as the U.S. economic sector.


Let Alcalde & Fay help ensure the very best outcomes for your goals and objectives in the United States. You deserve nothing less.

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